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1. 《卡道斯™ MEN25》之主要成分:肉蓯蓉﹣(Uncoupling Factors, UCF™) 為香港科技大學 8 年研究成果。
2. 肉蓯蓉﹣(Uncoupling Factors, UCF™) 於國際科研期刊發表之相關研究文獻:
‧Kam-Ming Ko, Duncan H.F. Mak, Po-Chiu and Michel K.T. Poon (2004) Pharmacological basis of Yang-invigoration' in Chinese medicine. TRENDS in Pharmacological Sciences 25(1) ‧Kam-Ming Ko and Hoi Yan Leung (2007) Enhancement of ATP generation capacity, antioxidant activity and immunomodulatory activities by Chinese Yang and Yin tonifying herbs. Chinese Medicine 2007, 2:3 ‧Hoi Shan Wong and Kam Ming Ko (2012) Herba Cistanches stimulates cellular glutathione redox cycling by reactive oxygen species generated from mitochondrial respiration in H9c2 cardiomyocytes. Pharmaceutical Biology ‧Hoi Yan Leung and Kam Ming Ko (2008) Herba Cistanche Extract Enhance Mitochondrial ATP Generation in Rat Hearts and H9c2 Cells. Pharmaceutical Biology 46(6) p418-424 ‧Ada Hoi-Ling Siu, and Kam Ming Ko (2010) Herba Cistanche extract enhances mitochondrial glutathione status and repiration in rat hearts, with possible induction of uncoupling proteins. Pharmaceutical Biology 48(5) p512-517
3. Kam-Ming Ko, Duncan H.F. Mak, Po-Chiu and Michel K.T. Poon (2004) Pharmacological basis of Yang-invigoration' in Chinese medicine
4. Kam-Ming Ko and Hoi Yan Leung (2007) Enhancement of ATP generation capacity, antioxidant activity and immunomodulatory activities by Chinese Yang and Yin tonifying herbs
5. Hoi Shan Wong and Kam Ming Ko (2012) Herba Cistanches stimulates cellular glutathione redox cycling by reactive oxygen species generated from mitochondrial respiration in H9c2 cardiomyocytes
6. Hoi Yan Leung and Kam Ming Ko (2008) Herba Cistanche Extract Enhance Mitochondrial ATP Generation in Rat Hearts and H9c2 Cells
7. Ada Hoi-Ling Siu, and Kam Ming Ko (2010) Herba Cistanche extract enhances mitochondrial glutathione status and repiration in rat hearts, with possible induction of uncoupling proteins
8. 李題寶 ,曲艷國 ,刁長武 ,張志濤 (2009) 北五味子研究. 中華醫藥雜誌 2009 年第 9 卷 第 8 期(MEN25-五味子)
8b. Po yee CHIU, Hoi yan LEUNG, and Kam Ming Ko (2008) Schisandrin B Enhances Renal Mitochondrial Antioxidant Status, Functional and Structual Integrity, and Protects against Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 31(4) 602-605
9. Markus GANZERA, Jianping ZHAO, Ilias MUHAMMAD, and Ikhlas Ahmad KHAN (2002) Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improved semen parameters in adult men. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 50(7) 988—991 (2002)
10. A.F.G. Cicero, E. Bandieri, R. Arletti (2001) Lepidium meyenii Walp. improves sexual behaviour in male rats independently from its action on spontaneous locomotor activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2(3) 225-229
11. 卡道斯™2012-2013 年度用家報告。
11b. 轉載自2011年12月12日香港各大中文報章有關「香港科研權威大學」肉蓯蓉研究新聞報導。
12. 生產及包裝工序於香港進行
13. 由本港大學全資附屬科研機構生產卡道斯全線產品
14. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-在60歲以上男性當中,逾半患有良性前列腺肥大症,而 80歲以上男士,則有九成是病患者。(http://www.hkmenshealth.com/b5/healthline/benign.aspx#2)
15. Gustavo F. Gonzales (2012) Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume
16. Gonzales C, Leiva-Revilla J, Rubio J, Gasco M, Gonzales GF. (2011)Effect of red maca(Lepidium meyenii) on prostate zinc levels in rats with testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia
17. Manuel Gasco, Sara Miranda, Jessica Nuieto, Gustavo F Gonzales F Gonzales, Gilma Fernandez, Sandra Yucra, Julio Rubio, Pedro Yi(2005) Red maca (Lepidium meyenii) reduced prostate size in rats.
18. ANDREA E. GORDON, M.D., and ALLEN F. SHAUGHNESSY, PHARM. D. Harrisburg Family Practice Residency, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania(2003) Saw Palmetto for Prostate Disorders
19. Marks LS, Hess DL, Dorey FJ, Luz Macairan M, Cruz Santos PB, Tyler VE.(2001) Tissue effects of saw palmetto and finasteride: use of biopsy cores for in situ quantification of prostatic androgens.
20. The effect of Permixon on androgen receptors. This study shows that Saw Palmetto extract was able to effectively reduce Binding of Testortrone and DHT to their receptors on various tissues. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 67:5, 1988, 397-9
21. Timothy J. Wilt, MD, MPH; Areef Ishani, MD; Gerold Stark, MD; Roderick MacDonald, MS; Joseph Lau, MD; Cynthia Mulrow, MD, MS (1998) Saw Palmetto Extracts for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. JAMA. 1998;280(18):1604-1609
22. 資料來源:香港通用檢測認證有限公司﹣SGS
23. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-有六成患有血壓的受訪男性不知道自己已經患病。
24. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-在2012年有398個登記死亡個案是死於糖尿病,其中49.7%是男性。http://www.hkmenshealth.com/b5/healthline/diabetic.aspx
25. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-2004/05年心臟健康調查顯示,有8.3%年齡15-84歲男士患上糖尿病,但當中超過五成男性患者都不知道自己已患上糖尿病。http://www.hkmenshealth.com/b5/healthline/diabetic.aspx
26. 7大因素誘發高膽固醇症。(2004年1月11日)。2014年7月22日
擷取自大紀元: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/4/11/1/n705424.htm
27. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-研究顯示過半數介乎40至70歲的男性曾勃起功能障礙,而年紀愈大出現障礙的機會愈高。http://www.hkmenshealth.com/b5/healthline/impotence.aspx
28. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-男性更年期是跟較低的男性賀爾蒙水平有關。每一個男性都會經歷男性賀爾蒙下降的現象。男性賀爾蒙能幫助製造蛋白質,對於勃起及正常性行為亦十分重要。三十歲以後,男性賀爾蒙的水平每十年下降大約百分之十。http://www.hkmenshealth.com/text/b5/healthline/andropause.aspx
29. 香港特別行政區政府衛生署《男士健康計劃》網站「男人最痛」頁面-男性當年齡超過四十歲後,可能會出現一些跟女性更年期相似的徵狀,這現象叫男性更年期。http://www.hkmenshealth.com/text/b5/healthline/andropause.aspx
30. 邱瑞發. (2008年2月28日). 認識慢性疲勞綜合症. 2014年7月22日
擷取自香港大紀元: http://www.epochtimes.com.hk/b5/8/2/28/78097.html
31. 根據2012-2013年度真實用家報告
32. 由本港大學全資附屬科研機構研發
33. 資料來源:稥港健康網絡7月23日調查報導
34. 轉載自2013年7月15日香港各大中文報章有關前列健康新聞報導
38a. 此產品沒有根據《藥劑業對及毒藥條例》(第138章)或《中醫藥條例》(第549章)註冊的產品而言,只有在有關的廣告清楚地包含下述的卸責聲明的情況下,才容許作出(a)(i)、(ii)、(iii)及(iv)段所提述的聲稱-”This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisions Ordinance or theChinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. 此產品沒有根據《藥劑業對及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》註冊。為此產品作出的任何聲稱亦沒有進行該等註冊而接受評核。此產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。”
38b. “This product may assist in stabilizing blood liqids/cholesterol. 此產品或有助於穩定血脂/膽固醇。”
39. 相關研究文獻:Ho WKK, Chen ZY, Huang Y, Zhang ZS, Chang O, Chow M, Liu Y, TB. (2003) Cardiovascular protective effects of hawtorn. In Nutraceutical Beverages: Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health Effects, Chapter 6, 62-75 Shahidi F, Weerasinghe DK editors, American Chemical Society, Washington D C, Oxford Press. UK
40. 血脂是指血液裡脂肪含量,包括膽固醇 (Cholesterol) 及三酸甘油酯。
41. 山里紅科研臨床結果於下列國際性醫學會議發表認可報告:
美國:Rajendran S, Deepalakshmi PD, Parasakthy K. et al (1996) Effect of tincture of Crataegus on the LDL-receptor activity of hepatic plasma membrane of rats fed an atherogenic diet. Atherosclerosis 123: 235-241 USA
美國:Ho WKK, Chen ZY, Huang Y. (2004) Crataegus (Hawthorn). In HerbalMedicine. Chapter 21, p471-487. Packer L, Halliwell B, Ong CH editors, Marcel Dekker, N. Y. USA
英國:Ho WKK, Chen ZY, Huang Y, Zhang ZS, Chang O, Chow M, Liu Y, Tomlinson B. (2003) Cardiovascular protective effects of hawtorn. In Nutraceutical Beverages: Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health Effects, Chapter 6, 62-75. Shahidi F, Weerasinghe DK editors, American Chemical Society, Washington D C, Oxford Press. UK
美國:Pittler, M. H., Schmidt K. and Ernst E. (2003) Hawthorn extract for treating chronic heart failure: meta-analysis of ramdomized trials. Am J. M. 114, 665-674. USA
加拿大:Zhang ZS, Ho WKK, Huang Y, Chen ZY. (2002) Hypocholesterolemic activity of hawthorn fruit is mediated by regulation of cholesterol -7 α-hydroxylase and acylCoA: cholesterol acyltransferase. Food Res. Intl. 35:885-891. CANADA
意大利:Zhang ZS, James AE, Huang Y, Ho WKK, Sahota DS, Chen ZY. (2005) Quantification and characterization of aortic cholesterol in rabbits fed a high-choleaterol diet. Intl J Food Sci, and Nutrition 56: 359-366. ITALY
美國:Zhang ZS, Ho WKK, Huang Y, James AE, Lam LW, Chen ZY. (2002) Hypolipidenic activity of hawthorn fruit in rabbits (Oryctolagus coniculus) fed a high-cholesterol diet. J Nutrition, 132:5-10. USA
42. 山里紅:Method and Composition for Lowering Blood Lipids 曾於1997年9月9日取得United States Patent (美國專利),專利編號:5,665,359
43. 《卡道斯TM金山楂》用家報告服用4星期後感覺徵狀改善。
44. Araghi Niknam M, Hosseini S, Larson D, Rohdewald P, Watson RR. Pine bark extract reduces platelet aggregation. Integr Med. 2000;2:73-77. Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Rohdewald P, et al. Prevention of edema in long flights with Pycnogenol. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2005;11:289-294.
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45. Devaraj S, Vega-López S, Kaul N, et al. Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increase plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile. Lipids. 2002;37:931-934. Downs AM, Sansom JE. Colophony allergy: a review. Contact Dermatitis. 1999;41:305-310. Fetrow CW, Avila JR. Professional’s Handbook of Complementary & Alternative Medicines. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp; 1999.
46. 根據香港科研權威大學藥理測試結果UCF精力指標,對比市面同類型男士保健產品
47. 2015年7月-10月期間委託香港醫護學會為37位試用者進行產品功效研究計劃。
48. 肉蓯蓉含量為原有配方的 146%-150%
49. 根據香港科研權威大學實驗數據。
50. 由香港科研權威大學對比市面抗疲勞產品細胞能量製造值。
51. 根據真人測試結果。
52. 最快於付款後1個工作天將貨品送到, 偏遠地區或海外除外。
53.Boyle, P., et al. "Updated meta‐analysis of clinical trials of Serenoa repens extract in the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia." BJU international 93.6 (2004): 751-756.
54.US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database
55.Goole scholar Database on Serenoa
57.衛生署數據:2015年 因 心 臟 病 而 死 亡 的 登 記 死 亡 人 數‡ 有 6190人 。平均每日17個。
58.Google scholar Database on hawthorn extract
59. Sofi, Francesco, et al. "Insomnia and risk of cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis." European journal of preventive cardiology 21.1 (2014): 57-64.
60. 2012年香港教育學院「香港成年華人患上失眠症的普遍程度:以人口為基礎的研究」
61. Kumar, A., and H. Kalonia. "Effect of Withania somnifera on sleep-wake cycle in sleep-disturbed rats: Possible GABAergic mechanism." Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences 70.6 (2008): 806.
62. 大學2017~2018真人功效測試
63. H, Zhou., et al. “Sedative and hypnotic effects of supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction from Schisandra chinensis in mice ”Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 24(2016): 831-838.
64. C, Zhang., et al. “Pharmacological evaluation of sedative and hypnotic effects of schizandrin through the modification of pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors in mice.” European Journal of Pharmacology 744(2014): 157-163.
65. C, Zhang, et al. “Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis augments pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors through the modification of the serotonergic and GABAergic system.” Fitoterapia 98 (2014); 123-130.
66. N, Li., et al. “Sedative and hypnotic effects of Schisandrin B through increasing GABA/Glu ratio and upregulating the expression of GABAA in mice and rats” Biomed Pharmacotherapy 103 (2018): 509-516.
67. L, Mishra., “Scientific Basis for the Therapeutic Use of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha): A Review” Alternative Medicine Review 4(2000): 334